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  • Can I use the location as my corporate mailing address?
    Yes, you may choose our locations as your corporate mailing address.
  • Will the phone number be listed in directory assistance?
    Yes. The chosen phone number will be listed with directory assistance as your company phone number.
  • Do you offer live answering?
    Yes, our professional receptionists will answer your calls live, utilizing your company name, Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm.
  • Is there a contract or agreement?
    Yes. Our agreement is for 3 months at the time and will automatically renew for 3 month terms unless a written notice of cancellation is received at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the agreement.
  • Can I have my mail forwarded?
    Yes, Mail Forwarding is available and can be customized to your needs, being daily, weekly, etc. You will be charged for postage or shipping accordingly. Mail Forwarding can be initiated once your account is activated.
  • Does the services include local phone and fax numbers?
    Yes. When signing up for the services online, you will have the opportunity to choose local phone and fax numbers which will be associated with your company.
  • Do you have meeting/seminar rooms available for meetings/trainings?
    Yes but not in all locations (only at our HQ Location). In our locations listed as HQ in specific markets, meeting/seminar rooms facilities are available to you for an hourly fee.
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